
Showing posts from March, 2024

Thee Forty Suns Analogy

  Thee Analogy Contents Thee Analogy Who Dares __ Thee Analogy Starting a project like Forty Suns now, in the 2020s, dedicated to reaching the stars, is like forming (would’ve been like forming) a group in the 1500s called the Lunar Society. A society dedicated to putting colonies on the moon. In 1500 that level of futuristic science and tech would’ve been a similarly long-range view. A literal moonshot. Still, such a society could have existed back then. Dedicated to one, major mission: Encourage and celebrate the scientists, inventors and engineers of the day. Those taking bold steps, making bold proposals. A society dedicated to bringing broad attention to scientific achievements in the near-term, creating an environment where discovery and invention could thrive. Leading to advancement after celebrated advancement. Leading, one day, to the first colony on the moon. Could a Lunar Society founded in the 1500s have gotten us to the moon faster? Quite probably. Which makes us believ

Finding Common Ground

  Common Ground: Space Contents Opening The Chamber It Won’t Be Easy By The Numbers Why “Forty Suns”? Finding Focus Space Reality Meets Imagination __ It’s been said every breakthrough was a crazy idea before it became a breakthrough. Incremental improvements are good, even necessary, but to really advance we need a healthy dose of wild concepts. Audacious ones. It's the only way we make the big gains. A quote from one of the Wright brothers, first humans to fly (controlled flight, anyway; no doubt a few of us humans have flown via catapult or other means down through the ages), gives a nice encapsulation of that driving premise: “If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance.” In other words, to go big (or bigger) we have to think big. Can we come together toward the impossible? Opening The Chamber Space, like anything, can become its own echo chamber, with its own, isolated groups of enthusiasts. Those who g