
Showing posts from May, 2024

Us In Space

  Us In Space Contents Getting There The “R” Word Our True Measure Us Among The Stars __ Remember the hibernation pods in the movie Alien? Experts believe we could be testing such long-flight hibernation within the next 10 years. Time spent in transit on long-duration space trips is just one of the things we’ll need to plan for as we make our move into space. Getting There Hibernating astronauts on a year-long trip to Mars would not need to eat or drink, and would require far less oxygen. Cost reduction, plus no need to keep occupied during those 12 months? Count us in. There are other benefits. Bodies of hibernating astronauts might waste away much less than the bodies of those awake in microgravity. Upon arrival, these hibernators would thus be fit and ready to commence challenging activities and exploration almost straight away. It’s called a torpor state, and it’s like a pause button for the physical processes we’d want to put on hold during a long trip. Additionally, the slowed-do

Ghosts In The Shell

  Ghosts In The Shell Contents Remember The Smart People A High Organic Standard Bionics Cybernetics & Cyborgs Mind Over Matter Gettin’ Beefy Wit It Feeding The Machine Our Bodies And Our Minds __ Organic bodies are what we’ve got. If we’re going to space, we’re doing it in meat bodies, one way or the other. At least for now. It’s who we are and, personally, we wouldn’t want to change that. Being human is fun. Remember The Smart People Let’s pause before we go further. While we may not be built for space, science is forging ahead with all sorts of projects that will make it easier to live and work there. Enhancing the human condition is yet another area where our brightest minds have turned their focus. A moment, please, to acknowledge the amazing players in the fields of medicine and biology working in these areas. There are incredibly smart people, alive right now, today, working this very minute, heads down in their labs, engaged upon their research, explorers in their own right