Space Age 2.0: The Next Frontier | Part 2


Space Age 2.0: The Next Frontier
Part 2

READ: Part 1



  • The New Space Economy

  • Survival

  • Abundance As A Solution

  • Thinking Big

  • Future Heroes

  • The Bright Path Ahead


The advent of Space Age 2.0 has much to do with opportunity. In particular economic opportunity.

A lot of players (and there are lots) are currently focused on the space economy. Those numbers have been increasing exponentially in the last decades, which is good, because money drives progress.

Our dreams may be noble, but our reality takes cash.

Cash (profit) is the battery that runs the world.

The New Space Economy

This stable of new and established enterprises are launching and will launch fresh ventures, while at the same time advancing the world’s technologies in their quest for viability.

That growing economic interest, combined with an explosion of new programs being put into place by nation states around the world—plus a rising groundswell of global interest from space enthusiasts like we and thee—is leading, even now, to a renaissance of our space future.

These realities are fantastic.

They need to be strengthened.

Let’s put it another way.

If our focus determines our reality, it stands to reason that by focusing on space it will …

Become our reality.


It’s not enough that we simply survive. At least not on a global scale. Individually yes, perhaps. Most of us work toward our mortgage payments, hoping to save enough for a better TV. Maybe a vacation.

We survive.

And that’s fine for most of us. As a planet, however, the only way we achieve the next frontier is to survive in abundance. Across the board our thinking, our planning, our reach serves us best when we direct it toward the seemingly impossible.

Go big or go home.

A popular saying.

Maybe we should change it to “Go big or go bigger.”

Why give ourselves the other option?

Abundance As A Solution

Striving for an abundance is the way we get there.

Together we must decide to focus on the things that will get—and are getting—us to the next frontier. The short and the long view. Things our fellow humans around the world are doing, other things not yet being done but that will be done, advancements to pave the way. Even things that are only just now being imagined.

Especially that.

For in order for our space future to become real, the ability to imagine things hitherto unimagined, the determination to believe in—and reach for—things once believed impossible, will be key.

It’s been said every breakthrough was a crazy idea before it became a breakthrough. Incremental improvements are good, even necessary, but we need a healthy dose of crazy ideas too. Audacious ones.

A quote from one of the Wright brothers, first humans to fly (controlled flight, anyway; no doubt a few of us humans have flown via catapult or other means down through the ages), gives a nice encapsulation of that driving premise:

“If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance.”

In other words, to go big (or bigger) we have to think big.

Thinking Big

We must start the world thinking. Each of us. Discover new interests, do our own research, make our own space connections and, ultimately, learn more about—and possibly even support—humanity’s prospects on this final frontier.

We must each ponder what our own role in our space future might be.

What can you do?

How can you be a part?


At times, one may do more for the advancement of positive change by posing a question than by answering one.

Future Heroes

Such action might even be the inspiration that launches the career of a few new space cadets.

A heroic victory cry might go something like:

“From Space Newb to Space Nerd!”

Or, for those with a preference:

“From Space Greenhorn to Space Geek in a single week!”

Could one of those new players be you?

After all, the best way to predict the future is to create it.

Consider that you’re here, capable of so much more than you may imagine. Consider this the starting point. The launch pad, to use a more fitting term.

The humble place from which you embark on your journey to discover All Things Space.

There’s an awful lot to those three simple words.

“All Things Space”

Up for such a challenge?

The Bright Path Ahead

So much is being done. Advanced, way advanced things, way incredible projects, missions, explorations, science and discoveries. More good things are happening right now in the pursuit of space than you quite likely realize.

More progress is being made, on more fronts, than most people know.

Right now, even as you read this, there are amazing humans out there doing amazing things to advance the cause.

To help us survive in abundance.

So let’s turn our eyes toward discovery. Awareness. Let’s explore the realities and opportunities of what might be our collective space future.

It’s a grand one. And it’s already happening all around us.


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The Forty Suns book is available on Amazon:

Forty Suns: Zero Edition